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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Halloween Horrors @ Night safari last Saturday was fab! But, I kept getting so tramautised from all the shocks & by the end of the night we were all sooooo drained out from the screamings and shocks hahahaha. So, J bbg & I went to meet Reyrey bbg & the west spring kias after cp over at Lot one. Been long ah lot 1..........memories of dunearn!

Anyway, on our way to Mandai, a side of my contact lenses dropped so I was a side blind damn it. But it was actually a blessing in disguise? Because that made the ghosts not as scary as they seem since I can't see hahahaha.

This guy totally freaked me out x10000000. He was stationed at the ticketing area with a few others, and he would like jump into your face and shout????? What the hell scary shit serious impact on us girls :( The guys were like laughing all the way scaring the ghosts back so shiok. Rey kept acting calm around the ghosts damn funny can't stop laughing!

This vampire ghost had his hand up suddenly when taking the photo which shocked J a fair bit hahahahahaha. Actually looking at him his make up's funny I wonder why the hell we so scared for wat? hehe.
*Notice rey's hand holding me. Because the ghost was like supaaaa near her and she was acting calm and yet super scared hahaha.

The haunted mansion was the scariest it has like 5 stars???? We queued so super duper long for it and luckily for the iphones that actually kept us occupied during our waiting time hehe~

our supposingly dead driver talking in a spooky tone ha

Enthu ang-mohs everywhere that night, children dressing up as scary characters damn cutezzxzxz. The little boy beside me was telling me that the haunted house looks so freaky yada yade hahahahahha CUTE LIKE MAD.

This guy's more of funny than scary don't you guys think???? We were laughing our heads off when we saw him. Rey just had to pose a picture with him hahahhahaha.
This was the part where we stopped to snap picx and the guys went to hide intending to scare us but we knew they were hiding so we made ourselves metally prepared. It was so dark the boys couldn't see who the right people were the scared the wrong people which made us laugh so damn hard hahahahahahahaha epic fail moment I like!

Shagged faces at the end of the day, can't wait for fri's halloween night at sentosa though, hope it's gonna be gooooood but I'M SCARED........... :(

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