This is daaaa surprise in class haha. Sharon kinda told me she didn't get me any present blah blah & I even had to have instant noodles for lunch know! But they all wished me when I was having lunch and everything hehe.
& When we settled down in the workshop, suddenly BT asked me if I would want to go to the toi toi but she phrased it as, " Sheryl! Wanna go to the toilet? I don't think so right since you just went. " & I was like, "errrrrrr k lor k lor I don't want." So she raymond & sharon went outside and before I knew it.........A CAKE APPEARED WITH THEY 3 PLUS MY PUI DOG & AH ZHAN ( lester ) HAHAHAHAHHAHA OMG SHOCKING TO THE COREZZZZZZZ AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
& YJ kept reminding me that there was gonna be cake on me no matter what and told me to bring like extra clothes yada yada and of course I didn't hahahaha. Omgggg love my class so so so so muchie nyehehehe~

The yummeh cake they brought all the way from the east hahahaha. Stupid pui said, " oh this is actually for you to blow and then i'm going to bring it back home already DON'T EVEN THINK OF EATING IT. " Wtf this is my life in class hahahahaha.

Teeheee beenting muackssssssss (L)

Sharon bby!!! nyehehehe LOVEY DOVEY

I couldn't even wish in peace lah I was so scared something landed on my faceeee hehe.

Presents Bff xiao ray got me wtf seriously :')
He specially went down to town to get me the F21 voucher omg~