Spooktacular @ Sentosa last night, well it was fun but not as scary as night safari. I kinda felt that the ghost inside the ghost house looks like avatar though......hahahaha. Couldn't stop laughing with ah pui ( TS ) in the 1st ghost house since I was grabbing on to his arm so so so so so tight. I was trying to see what the ghost's faces were like and it turned out funny hahahahahahaha. But Beenting got so scared then she fell to the floor pulling manplex down and we were behind laughing our asses off hiak hiak hiak!!!

Sharon was here after school before I left for sentosa. Uper love her company maximum I swear. Even though we weren't doing anything, we were still having lotsa fun for I don't know what reason????? Hahahaha and she would help me choose clothes and I would havta try it out and let her comment on it hahahahaha muax bby!!!!

Look at these two gay boys - ____ - Ah pui was carrying mine since he said it would make him cooler. I swear I didn't force him, seriously!!! ( THIS IS NOT A LIE ) & Dillion was carrying estar's mega act cute bag which I can't stand. Act cute power lies within them hahahaha.
There was the 3rd ghost house where I was grabbing lester on the left and Raymond on the right. It wasn't that scary until Raymond started being so so so scared that he started screaming and vibrating damn annoying hahahaha. But what to do he was so scared. And Lester and I were at a side looking at him hahaha. There was a point he had no one to hold and the ghost ran after him which was damn funny, we were laughing like crazy inside. I love to act calm there because only acting calm would help if not the ghost would follow you hahahaha.
Imma gonna remember this halloween forever, be it at Night safari or Sentosa :) :) :)