Monday, May 31, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
More & more each day~

Nah, It`s not my holidays yet. All my bbgs are in their holidays already and minez not gonna start till 12 June. MSTz coming and Im still clueless about many of my modules so not coooool!
Today was a major laughter day = before & after lunch. Billy brought his classic umbrella today and he started hooking our legs while we were walking asshole maximum! We intended to have cafe for lunch but as usual, it was fullllllllll. Proceeded to the outside of morberly when I decided to snatch the classic umbrella but I failed terribly. My birken suddenly slipped off my foot and it became a football between billy and justin, thanks to shuluan I got it back fast haha! :>
Pizza hut for lunch yummmmy but it`s gonna be closing down on the 23rd of june wtf why right not like no business! Geeeez. After lunch it was billyz where is my wallet prank (WHY HIS LIFE SO HAPPENING RIGHT) I started laughing and he suspected it was me asshole but it wasnt nyehehe it was muxi &co. who were outside pizza hut! OC class was okok this weeeek. After OC billy & I got bored so we started playing scissors paper stone and the loser had to get a flick on their head and when billy lost, everyone who were playing dota looked up and flicked him like mad FUCKING FUNNY. (Y) Ahhhh, many funny things happened today luv <:
Bumped into Lenard + luqz at clementi today talk cock catch up and home i went!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Early class at 8am today + mac breakfast + crazy work + vegeterian lunch + geomatics + sharon , billy accompanied me! That prolly sums up my day in school.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@qianqianqianxz picked me from sp and chatted like mad in KFC, since like what...JJ`s bbq that I last saw her. (miss!) Then we picked @Janazxzxz from Woodlands & hopped to Jp to meet @joycetcy + @reyreyyy + @jialiloves + @pehjiaying <-- order of arrival :> Anw, we dominated Wendy`s because we were sucha big group and occupied most of the seats since it was so small! & We were webcamming like mad and people from outside were staring at us embarrased ttm manxz. Then eat/slack/walk/think and it was time for home! Tiring day, but I enjoyed the company of my bbgs. LUV YALL GURLZZZZ, PRAWNING + KITE + STAYOVER SOON :> MWARKS MWARKS X100000000000000000000~